Sunday, 1 January 2012

My birthday party

Last week, I had a birthday party. My mother organized my birthday party. We celebrated the birthday party at The Cooking House, Hartamas. The theme was Cupcakes Baking Party.

I invited my school friends, cousins, and a lot of friends. Their names were Marcel, Adelia, Sufi, Seri, Elyssa, Sophia, Lana, Irfan, and many more.

At the party, we learned to  bake cupcakes. The ingredients were butter, flour, sugar, and eggs. Then, we learned to stir. We mixed the ingredients and spooned the mixture into the cupcake cup. Then, the cupcakes were ready to put in the oven. After putting in the oven, we waited.

While waiting for the cupcakes to be ready, all of my family and friends sang the birthday song for me. After they sang, my friends and my sisters picked a lot of sweets, but not me. I didn't picked any sweets.

After that, my friends played while I peeked the presents. There were a lot of presents. There were a lot of books, hair band and a pink polka dot bag. I love all the gifts that everybody gave me. I am thankful for all of them.

Then, the chef asked all of us to decorate the cupcakes. We decorated the cupcakes using the sparkly springcles. Some kids did rose, smily face and a many more beautiful patterns on the cupcakes. Everybody were excited and happy about their decorations.

Then, we all went back home.

I like the party that my mother organize. Thanks to my parents and thank to all the guests who came to my birthday party.