Last week, we did the Puppet Stage. It was an amazing idea from Ariana. So let us get started!
We needed a box, tape, pencil, scissors, paint brush, paints, palette and crayons. First, we took the box and drew a rectagle shape. Then, we cut the rectangle shape to make a hole. And then time to PAINT! We even decorated it! We did the banners, grass and lots more! After that, we did the curtains!
Easy peasy to do the curtains! First, I folded the edge of the fabric. Then I stitched through the folded fabric until the end with the needle and thread. I took a pin and a ribbon and tied them together. After I tied them, I slided through the pin into the fabric through the hole.Then, I PULLED THROUGH the pin at the end of the fabic. And the curtain is done! Then we hanged the curtain using the stapler at the puppet stage.
I ❤ed the decorating part! It was a really good way of helping us to be creative. And I loved Ariana's idea. It was the fun activity.
Me and my sisters painted the stage. |
My happy face and my painted hands |
We decorated the stage with the fabric flowers |
Finally, the sisters enjoyed the puppet stage