Santika Hotel, Bogor
10.30 pm
7.00 am in the morning. I woke up early because I wanted to get ready to go to the airport. We were going to Jakarta. I was so excited! We were going to the airport by taxi. When the taxi had arrived, we straight away went to the airport. Later on, we arrived there and checked in. We waited to depart. We waited and waited and finally, we went on the aeroplane. The aeroplane was about to take off 5....4....3....2....1.... And off we go!
Finally! We arrived Jakarta! We went to the airport to collect our bags. Then, we met with Pak Ali, the driver. He drove us to 'Restaurant Garuda' for late lunch. We had nasi padang. I liked the chicken pop because it's tender and yummy. Mmmm.... So delicious. The chicken pop is my favourite. Later on, we continued our journey to Bogor.
Because the mall was soo near to the hotel, we just walked! First, we went to Dunkin Doughnuts. We took away doughnuts. I chose chocolate flavor. Yummy! Then, we went to Burger King restaurant! I ordered cheese burger. Guess what? The waiter gave me free ice cream! Yahoo! I enjoyed my meal. Then, we went back to our room to sleep.
Oh! I just remember! Tomorrow we were going to the zoo! Byeee!
Friday, 29th March 2013,
Ibis hotel, Jakarta,
10.00 pm
Remember I told u that we were going to the zoo? Yep, today's the big day (yeah right)!
Actually, I didn't really like the zoo. Except when the wild animals were trained to be tame. That's ok for me.
Ok this was how it started.
I was like,"Awww, poor litter otter, we don't have any food for you. Sorry!" But I just say in my head, so no one hears it except me.
Sooo, now, we were entering the wild animals part. So do not feed the tigers, lions and so on. The tigers were like "THE KING OF JUNGLE" or something. The tigers were fierce looking, I'm scared looking at their faces!Eeeeeeeekkkkk!😱
After seeing all the animals, we went for an elephant ride. The elephant ride was sooo WOW! I love it! I rode on an elephant that's 30 years old and it's a female. Oh... No wonder this elephant has no tusks. The elephant ride took about 20 minutes. That's a little while. But it's still fun!
Guess what? We took pictures with the animals. I took a picture with a CUB. I was like," Awwww, what a cute, adorable, you little cub!" I gushed. But I just said it in my head so no one can hear it except me. When I touched it's fur, the fur was sooooooo soft!
I think YOU must take a picture with the cub, too.
Then, Ariana and Arlia wanted to take pictures with the animals. Arlia wanted with the orang utan while Ariana's with the white tiger. When it was Ariana's turn to take the pictures with the white tiger, the zoo keeper said," No kids allowed taking pictures with white tiger, EVEN with the adults. SORRY!" And Ariana's reaction was," Seriously, I had never took a picture with a white tiger before! Shoot!" So mama suggested that she could take pictures with the orang utan. And Ariana agreed. Mama took pictures with the white tiger and the orang utan while daddy's with the white tiger.
Next, ( this was the fun part ) WE WENT TO THE WWWCS ( Wild Wild West Cowboy Show )! We had a BLAST during the show. It 's about the ancient days where there's the thieves, cowboys, sheriff. The thieves stole the money just because they wanted to GAMBLE! The cowboys and sheriff were CHASING AND CHASING AND CHASING until finally...... They caught them! YAHOOO! What an AMAZING SHOW!
Me and Ariana decided to 'swim with the dolphin'. But unfortunately, we can't go.
The queue was long and we wanted to rush to go to Jakarta. I almost CRIED because I never had a chance to touch a dolphin. How cute it is? Never mind,. Next time, if we go to Jakarta again, we can touch the DOLPHIN! In shaa Allah
Since we were soooo hungry, we went to the 'Kebayan Restaurant'. We ate Sunda food. The most favourite one was the fish. ( although it 's a bit spicy ) I finished my meal, so do everyone else. I think because they're hungry. Oh I forgot! Pak Ali was joining us, too. Burp! Alhamdullillah! Allah has given me food!
Then, we continued our journey to Jakarta. I was sleeping in the car. Dozing off! Zzzzzzzzzzzzz!😴
This was the BEST night ever! I fresh up and changed because we were going to the mall. I was kinda sleepy, so I didn't really feel like I want to go anywhere. I still wanna SLEEP! But when I saw the cafe, I became active. I was like,"Wow! A magnum cafe! Cool!" It was a nice cafe. We ordered the ice cream. The ice cream was soooooo delicious! I think you should give it a try too. After that, we went back to the hotel! The experience was kinda fun!!!!!!!😆
Saturday, 30th March 2013,
Ritz Carlton hotel, Jakarta
10.45 pm
This was the best day ever!

YES! Finally! We arrived at Ritz Carlton hotel. Guess what? Mama booked for the sisters...... The cooking class! We wore the cooking attire and went to the kitchen. We decorated the cookies with the icing. Before the icing was baked, it felt like wax! After we decorated the cookies, the chef announced who's the winner. And the winner was.......ALL OF US! We received a certificate and a bunny slipper. I received a blue colored bunny slipper!
After the cooking class was over, we went for swimming! YAHOO! 😄We swam until Maghrib. Then, we went to the cafe. We ate our dinner. After dinner, we had our supper, the chocolate. It was yummy! Later, we went to our room and slept!
In the flight, heading to Malaysia
2.00 pm
6.00 am in the morning. We woke up early, got ready and check out from the hotel. When we arrived the airport, we checked in and waited to depart. When it's time, we only have one more thing to say: BYEEEEEEE JAKARTA